It’s Time!
“I just can’t live like this any longer!” My husband and I looked at each other and then took a good look at our lives again… Where do we start? How do we start?? We were tired of working to get by, and even then,
“I just can’t live like this any longer!” My husband and I looked at each other and then took a good look at our lives again… Where do we start? How do we start?? We were tired of working to get by, and even then,
We are such a close family, and I LOVE that about us! But I have to say, that when one puts so much of oneself into persons, when they leave us, they leave a HUGE hole! And this is what I had been struggling with
It wasn’t quite as much fun shopping online for the bus… (I am NOT a shopper, but when I do make the decision to buy, I want to enjoy the full sensory experience! So, yeah, online shopping is just not the same for me.) When
You know how it is at the start of marriage – how it doesn’t matter what your first place is like because it’s just amazing to be together?! I guess that is how it was when we first started our bus conversion ? And yes,
I’d love to say that it was pure excitement and joyous fun right from the get-go and all the way through, but in all reality, the romance is in the imagination, the attitude and sometimes in the pictures afterwards. After the “pretty” paint was on
I awoke early with somewhat of a start. My head reminding me that yesterday’s drama was real. But having no time to ponder, because I had to pick up my love at the hospital and bring him to his first of many visits to the
I was supposed to be the grunt, and the designer/ decorator. He, being the man that previously worked in construction, and was handy with tools, was supposed to be in charge and know what to do. That was the plan! Our beautiful daughter, Lanai, along
I keep getting notifications from my Google photo album, as well as from good ‘ol Facebook – “Your Day, One Year Ago” – It’s difficult to believe that one year ago, we were completely oblivious to how much our lives were about to change! BUT
We had one month to get moved into our tiny home on wheels…and time was definitely flying – we had already used up about two weeks! I told my husband that as long as we had somewhere to sleep, eat, and bathe, we were fine
Is it any wonder that we enjoy living in our tiny home, when we know the love poured into this place? A few short weeks after Fern’s accident, our amazing friend, Don G, called to ask permission to organize another work party – this time
Although it was of the utmost importance to me, having a bathtub is not the only item necessary in one’s washroom, and after using a marine toilet, in the garage, for long enough, I was definitely ‘relieved’ to select the compost toilet made by Nature’s
I love looking back at my pictures to remind myself from where we came, and also to kind of re-live the excitement of each step! It really is the little things that are the big things! I can clearly remember when my husband put up
I’m pretty sure we should have shares in the hardware store business…but this was an amazingly productive weekend, thanks to a couple of magic elves that came to visit! Meanwhile, at the men’s corner, metal tire racks, purposed to hold up to 300 pounds,
This is one happy man! For years, he has been talking about his dream of having solar power, so when the day came that he could buy a system, he was over the moon! You may not think that living in a bus conversion RV
Spending time together is very important in every relationship, as well as being flexible. This was determined very early in our marriage, as Fern travelled often with his work, and since we liked each other, I flexed 😉 That hasn’t changed much over the years,
Due to excessively cold temperatures inside our bus home, at this time, we are staying with our daughter, son-in-law, and three grandsons in Hickson, Ontario ? Such a quiet, quaint and teeny farm town. Everywhere we travel, we must find trails or places to hike,
We and our pooches just love our hikes, and try hard to find adventures wherever we go… in one week, we can find at least three different places nestled into tiny communities locally. Little treasures found here and there, right under our noses! I like
I was asked to be the MC at the annual Ladies’ High Tea, which got me to thinking of spring, and new beginnings, and this Ladies’ High Tea with all the fancy tea cups… I know that I have been sharing about my husband and