14 May Just Like You, Only Different Adventure
“Look at this scratch, Gramma!” And when I look, I see the scratch, all right, but almost next to that is a bruise, and another bruise not far from that one, and another little cut… Then I peer into these smiling eyes, so full of fun and mischief and craving the next adventure… Should I tell my grandson to be more careful, or to be afraid of what if’s and what could happen? Should I tell him not to be so adventurous? Do I think that he must have been doing some wrong, that caused bruising or scratches?
We had a rough winter! I’m just going to admit that much! The temperature went down to -27C, and our home could not keep warm… We had the propane generator ‘enclosed’ in the outside protected deck on the back of the RV, and the heat that permeated from the generator kept the propane at a temperature to allow good continuous flow. Fern was working crazy hours with his business, Captain ELECTRON, so when he came back home that night, it was too late to fill the tanks. Yes, you have probably guessed it! At about 2am, I awoke with the feeling that something was NOT right…felt my husband’s arm beside me and it was ice cold! He was still snoring, so I knew he was alive, but that is when I realized that it was COLD inside our home! It was -2C inside, and I could see my breath! The generator had run out of propane, and the other tanks got too cold to work, so the furnace shut down…the pipes froze…water filtration system cracked…and this is the same time that when we tried to move the bus, a tree took out our kitchen windows. Rough week!
Fern and I decided that we would take a break. Our cruise was in two weeks, Fern’s surgery was soon after… So, we moved in with our children 🙂 One at a time, they’ve had their turns having us living with them over the past three months. We are so very thankful for our amazing daughters, and their equally awesome husbands!! Yes, I admit that we were somewhat humiliated to come to them like teenagers after a spout of crazy independence, but they have been ever so gracious!
Does this seem like random writing? In my mind, the two above topics seem to go hand in hand. We were bruised. We were definitely battered. And yet, we still look for the fun in this! Still want this adventure and more! Life is an adventure! One that at times batters us, and leaves us wounded. But just the other day, my sweet friend, Clara, reminded me that, and I quote, “Life is absolutely precious, and death is certainly unexpected, but it comes at the appointed time and as Christians, this should empower us to live and love free from fear!!” We have chosen to live our lives to the full, as much as we are able.
We are learning so many lessons through this lifestyle. And making mistakes. And struggling. And having the time of our lives! Just like you. Only different.
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