


He turned away from Him...

Although it was years ago, I cannot forget how it felt at the time. This one I loved, deeply loved, purposefully turned and walked away from me, making it known I was being rejected, forsaken…

At first, I was in shock… but very soon thereafter, my broken heart poured forth in uncontrollable and inconsolable sobbing. Being forsaken is an horrendous trauma.

He was struck in the face, He had thorns harshly pressed into His head, He was more than brutally beaten, and He was nailed by His hands and feet while His opened body was pressed against a rough wooden cross, then He hung there for hours…

Never once, did He complain. BUT when His father turned away from Him, that was more than His heart could bear! From deep down, He loudly cried, “My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

It really hit me one day, when I was reading my Bible.

And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you, do not fear nor be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8

Why does this have so much meaning to me? I know what it is like to be forsaken. And maybe I even deserved to be turned away from…but it broke my heart regardless of the circumstance.

But Jesus? He did not deserve to be forsaken by His father. 

He did it for me — all of it. My wrongs were on Him. My wrongs God could not bear to look at! So, He turned away from Jesus. Jesus, whose heart was broken because of me…

And because of me, Jesus knows what it is to be forsaken. Yet, because of me, He promises that He will never forsake!

Long before God laid down earth's foundations, He had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love." Ephesians 1:4 The Message

He turned away from Him…for me. For you. What love!! 

On this Easter weekend, and ever after, know that you are so deeply loved, forgiven, and never to be forsaken.

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