06 Apr For This Child I Prayed
I was so in love with our baby, our first beautiful girl, and then I realized another was on the way! How could my heart, full with love already, have love to share with another? So, for this child I prayed.
I prayed that I would love this new addition. I prayed that she would be different than the first, have her own individual personality. And I prayed that she would love Jesus.
God answered my prayers, that is certain! This little girl looked nothing like her big sister. This little girl acted nothing like her big sister. She seemed to fill a whole new heart inside of me! There was no doubt in my mind that I loved her from the moment I saw her tiny face,and held her in my arms…
Even her big sister, only 10 ½ months older, loved her instantly. And they have been the best of friends since that time.
That little girl proved, regularly, that she had a will of iron. Over the years, we consistently had a battle of the wills, but she always melted me with her touch on my back, or playing with my hair while we would read together…
She was a listener. Sometimes it could unnerve me – I like to know what people are thinking, but she would just sit and take everything in.
She had a heart of gold – bringing home kittens, always defending the underdog… This, too, can make a parent nervous – What kind of friends will she hang out with? Will she get taken advantage of?
We had our differences for a couple of years, but I prayed fervently for this beautiful daughter of mine.

Mistakes, heartaches – these are shared by both mother and daughter – we are intricately intertwined. And if we open ourselves to teachable moments, God can work on us both. Yes, both. Here is where we have learned to love and appreciate one another more.
She met her match, and fell in love. They married. We gained our first “son” and a wonderful extended family. She blessed us with our first grandson, and then our first granddaughter.
Throughout the adult years, I am truly getting to know who she really is. And I love her more than ever!
And I have gained an amazing friend in her!
You know what is ironic? This girl, that I struggled to understand and with whom I couldn’t seem to find common ground, seems to have some of her mother’s characteristics. Perhaps that is why we butt heads when she was trying to show her independence…
Her iron will has proven to be her strength through trials and what can keep her firm in her beliefs.
Her listening ear is a much needed balm in this troubled world.
Her heart of gold has searched out and helped me more times than I can count.
I am blessed for this “son” that easily shares his family with me. I am doubly and triply blessed to see the iron will and heart of gold in their children. (Sometimes, I see the listening ear in them, too…)
So, my friends, I write with somewhat of a heavy heart. This daughter of mine, complete with her family, is moving to Croatia, and I will miss them more than words can say!
I am thankful for the internet and video chats, but hugs, touch, and kisses…….
What did I do before God lent me this daughter? For this child I prayed.
God answered my prayers. I love her. She is unique. She loves Jesus and teaches her children about Jesus’ love for them.
So, for this “child”, I will continue to pray, because God answers and God loves us both! And God has His plan which includes Croatia. And just like He worked our mistakes and past heartaches for good — this will be for good!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

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