07 Apr a family heirloom
The invitation was so very gracious, and I immediately said yes! Of course I wanted to be a part of this momentous event! Because that is exactly what it was – our daughter’s mother-in-law (“D”) wanted to share a family heirloom with her “daughter” and me!
A family heirloom passed down from her mother, and after years of tweaking the recipe to maximum the enjoyment for her family, she wanted to make sure to pass down to her new daughter.
Why didn’t she simply keep this treasured secret to herself? Others would only get the pleasure of this cake from her kitchen alone… but no! The very meaning behind a family heirloom is a valuable object that has been given by older members of a family to younger members of the same family over many years.
Can you see what the recipe originally looked like? It was written in Croatian, and I had the pleasure of preparing the English version. What fun! We three laughed as “D” tried to explain to us the difference in types of measurements and even ingredients used from one country to another. I took pictures between transcribing, so that we could see colours and textures expected to make deliciousness perfected.
We sat around the table while the filling was setting, and shared stories and fellowship like the family we are. How could such different people come together as friends and family? Well, not only did our daughter bring our families together, but we share in the family of God.
This cake may fall into the category of a sweet family heirloom, but God has given us amazing family heirlooms in His Word.
He tells us that we are adopted into His family. He tells us to tell our children and our children’s children about Him and what He has done for us. He tells us to love one another as family. He tells us to share one another’s burdens and pray for one another. He tells us to encourage and spur one another on. He tells us to not stop gathering together, and to worship together.
My favourite verses on this subject are these:
Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together... but spurring each other on..." Hebrews 10: 24, 25
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed." James 5: 17 Verses taken from the Message
I have been trying to eat sugar free for a couple of years, but let me tell you, I ATE THAT CAKE! and it was good! And then I had more! I enjoyed every bite! Having it, and enjoying it, made me go back for more.
But, what I took home that day, was encouragement, and love, and memories of sweet fellowship and sharing. Don’t keep these good things to yourself. These are your part in a family heritage from God Himself. You have access to them. Share them with your family. Enjoy them with your brothers and sisters. You will find yourself wanting and going back for more!

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